
Harzspots holiday planner

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Celebrations and parties in the Harz Mountains

What's on in the Harz - tips for night owls

The Harz has long been known not only for its breathtaking nature and numerous sights, but the nightlife in the Harz also has a lot to offer with numerous celebrations, festivals and parties. Even if the Harz doesn't exactly have a reputation as a party mile, the region has something for everyone, from long disco nights and après-ski in the winter months to impressive theatre evenings. On this page, we offer party lovers and night owls a comprehensive overview of the hottest celebrations and parties in the Harz, where you can effortlessly turn night into day. In addition, we offer you all the important dates and further information on the respective event. We wish you lots of fun celebrating!


Some of the events listed here come from external data sources and are therefore only available in German.

