Events and activities in the Harz Mountains
There are far more festivals and celebrations in the Harz than just Walpurgis. Throughout the year, a wide variety of events take place in the Harz region that are definitely worth a visit. Whether it's a short break, a weekend trip or a family holiday - you should definitely not miss out on a visit to one or other of these events during your holiday in the Harz. The history of many events in the Harz, which are known far beyond the borders of the Harz region, goes back to early history. In addition to traditional festivals and celebrations, such as Walpurgis Night, we also inform you here at about all the less historical events in the Harz, such as sporting events, musical events or educational events. Ideal for holidays with the family are events for children, which make the holiday unforgettable, especially for younger visitors. In addition, we present events in the Harz Mountains in the fields of art and literature and give you tips on which events or markets you can enjoy the culinary diversity of the heart region. All important dates, highlights and special events can be found here with us.
Traditional events in the Harz
Walpurgis Night
Walpurgis Night is one of the most famous celebrations in the entire Harz region and, thanks to its long-standing tradition, is known far beyond the region. It has taken place every year on 1 May for several hundred years. In many places, the "Night of Nights" starts on 30 April and is celebrated by tens of thousands of visitors and guests, including numerous devils and witches. According to legend, witches meet on the Brocken during the night to dance with the devil. A truly unique spring spectacle.
The Brocken Run
The Brocken Run is the oldest mountain run in Germany, first held in 1927. The natural run is considered one of the more sporting nature experiences in the National Park, attracting not only visitors and tourists, but above all athletes to the Harz Mountains. Runners can choose from courses and routes of varying difficulty, but the main route leads up the Brocken and back down again over a length of approximately 26.2 kilometres.
Rocking on the Brocken
Music lovers will definitely be familiar with the annual "Rocken am Brocken" festival. In the Upper Harz town of Elend, the music event takes place for three days spread over five stages. Since its first realisation in 2007, the rock festival has become a permanent fixture among the Harz event highlights.
Christmas markets
If you spend your holiday in the Harz National Park during the pre-Christmas period, you should definitely not miss the many Christmas markets. In towns such as Wernigerode, Quedlinburg or Goslar, probably the most beautiful Christmas markets take place between the surrounding half-timbered houses in a stylish ambience. Between the many stalls, you can enjoy the Christmas season to the full with delicacies such as gingerbread and mulled wine. There are also attractions for young and old.
New Year's Eve in the Harz Mountains
The Harz Mountains are not only popular at Christmas; numerous tourists and holidaymakers also flock to the region on New Year's Eve to celebrate the turn of the year in style. A beautiful landscape, romantic snow-covered forests and great New Year's Eve parties create a good mood and let holidaymakers escape the stress at the turn of the year.
Januar 2025
Geführte Wanderung zur Wildtierfütterung
Arbeiten für den Milan
Sonderführung: Geschichten am Wall
Friend' n Fellow
Schlager-Tanzparty im Harzer Schnitzelhaus & Waffelbäckerei
Kindermusical HAKUNA MATATA
Ruf der Dämmerung
BALFOLK: Der Workshop - für Einsteiger*innen
BALFOLK: Konzert mit Mara Menzel
Erwesbär Tettenborn
Geführte Schneeschuhtour
Geführte Schneeschuhtour am Abend mit Lagerfeuer
Eröffnung Schierker Wintersportwochen 2025
Winterprogramm am Natur-Erlebniszentrum HohneHof
Hinter die Kulissen des Rammelsberges
Stadtführung durch die historische Fachwerkstadt mit "Barbara Reiffenstein"
Der kleine Rabe Socke
Playback Theater
Schnupper-Biathlon für Jedermann
Sonntags Matinee
Winterwellness - mixen Sie Ihre Wellnessprodukte selbst an
Puppentheater "Hänsel und Gretel"
Winterwildnis – Auf den Spuren der Natur in der kalten Jahreszeit
Fachvortrag zum Thema Naturheilkundliche Allergiebehandlung
Februar 2025
Altenauer Eigenart
97. Kunsthandwerkstatt in der Rathausscheune
Abendspaziergang im Tierpark Hexentanzplatz
Kunstworkshop für Kinder mit der Künstlerin Bettina Hackbarth
Konzert mit dem Gitarrist Alex Misko
Gitarrenworkshop mit Alex Misko
Geführte Winterwanderung "3 auf einen Streich"
KlavierOrchesterWelten - From Köthen to Los Angeles, from Bach to Jazz
Konzert mit Filmmusik von Hans Zimmer
The Prague Filmorchestra
Wildtiere und ihr Einfluss auf den Wald
Puppentheater "Rumpelstilzchen"
Maja Hilke / Carolin Hlusiak: "Der Mensch muss weg" - Hommage an Georg Kreisler
The Johnny Cash Show - Presented By The Cashbags
Winterball 2025
Grüner Ball 2025 der Landjugend Heberbörde
Die große Johann Strauss Revue
Jede Laune meiner Wimper "Ein Ringelnatz - Abend"
Valentinstag im Hotel "Weißer Hirsch"
Valentinstag - 5-Gang-Candle-Light-Dinner
Führung im Kerzenschein am Valentinstag
Nachtflohmarkt Ilsenburg
Themenführung durch das Kloster Brunshausen
Im Winter auf den Brocken – MTB-Halbtagestour durch den Nationalpark
Kiepenkasper: Der alte Hund Rinaldo
The Music of Ludovico Einaudi
Karneval Harriehausen: Kinderkarneval
Karneval Harriehausen: Preismaskerade
März 2025
Showrösttag ist immer Donnerstag im Kaffeekeller
Silly mit Julia Neigel & Toni Krahl
Karneval Harriehausen: großer Umzug mit Abschluss am Nachmittag
Kinderfasching und Kaffeenachmittag für Jung und Alt
Red Beans & Jazz ’n’ Blues mit Tom Shaka, dem amerikanischen Blues Gitarristen und Virtuosen „Mr. Delta Thunder“
Inga Rumpf & Friends
Lesung zum internationalen Frauentag - Sarah Raich
GREGOR GYSI - "Auf eine Currywurst mit Gregor Gysi"
Shantycrew Kreuzberg - Konzert
KlavierOrchesterWelten - Warschau
1. Walkenrieder Frühlings - und Bauernmarkt
Markuspassion - Gandersheimer Domkantorei
Steptokokken: Die Resilienz-Revue
Konstantin Wecker - Lieder meines Lebens
April 2025
Giora Feidmann - "Revolution of Love"
Liedermacher Stephan Solo live im Fannys
Nacht der Bibliotheken in Bad Sachsa
Dinner mit Leiche (c) - Das Geheimnis im Osterbergsee
LUCIANO - 3 Tenöre feiern eine Legende
Osterferien am Natur-Erlebniszentrum HohneHof
Simin Tander New Quartett
Wir erforschen den wilden Wald – Naturerlebnis für Familien
Köhler, Bergleute und Glasmacher – ein waldgeschichtlicher Rundgang mit dem Ranger
Die Wechselkröte – Schutz und Erhaltung der seltensten Amphibienart Niedersachsens
Ferienprogramm - Bärenerwachen
Tag de Luchs
Ein Rundgang am Ort der Superlative
Kammerchor Wernigerode
Auf den Spuren der Nachhaltigkeit
Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss
Auerhahnbalz – hautnah
August 2025
7. Stolberger Schloss-Lauf
Dezember 2025
Barista Quick Step