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Located around 200 metres north of Schierke railway station in the Saxony-Anhalt part of the Harz Mountains, the Feuerstein Cliff is one of the most striking geological formations in the region. There are two cliffs here, with the smaller one in particular having become a landmark of the region. A visit to the cliffs - which is also a good introduction to hiking in the Harz Mountains for inexperienced hikers - joins a number of famous predecessors who are said to have carried out explorations here 250 years ago.

Landmark of the village of Schierke and popular photo motif

The easiest way to visit the Feuerstein Cliffs is from Schierke railway station. From here, a small hiking trail leads to the north, which ends after a short time at the two massive formations. However, you should be aware before your visit that it is not possible to climb the cliff itself. It is too isolated for that, surrounded by forest in the countryside - one more reason why the formation has become such a popular photo motif over the years.

Not only has the Small Flintstone Cliff become the landmark of the village of Schierke, it has also given its name to the famous herbal liqueur "Schierker Feuerstein". Incidentally, the cliff has nothing to do with the flint itself, which is known as pebble rock. To this day, the exact name is still part of a mystery, but it is assumed that it was probably derived from the stones on the Schierker Feuersteinwiese, where fires were lit for ritual purposes in times gone by. However, others claim that the rock of the cliffs is so hard that it is said to strike sparks when struck with a piece of steel. The smaller cliff - which is 25 metres high - has a somewhat hidden big brother that is twice as high, but is very difficult to reach as there is no path leading to it. It is located around 100 metres north-east of the small cliff, hidden deep in the forest and surrounded by tall trees.

Famous visitors from early times

A plaque on the cliff itself commemorates the visit of Goethe and the painter Kraus, who probably carried out geological research on the special rock here. It is therefore clear that the cliff attracted numerous visitors in earlier times.

Am Bahnhof
38879 Schierke

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