
Harzspots holiday planner

Spots Name Type Place Date  

Events for children in the Harz Mountains

The Harz Mountains are considered a popular holiday destination for families because of the exciting attractions and breathtaking scenery. Those who want to experience the Harz with children can also attend fun events for children in addition to the excursion destinations. From children's theatre or a guided tour of a museum to a children's flea market, the Harz offers an extensive programme for parents and their children. Whether it's children's concerts, fairytale theatre, musicals or magic shows, the right children's event is guaranteed to light up the eyes of little spectators and remain in their memories for a long time. For children and young people, there are events in the Harz suitable for almost every age group. Some events appeal equally to both adults and children and are an ideal opportunity for an outing with the whole family! If you want, you can even accompany your offspring and be a child yourself once again. There's singing, laughing, clapping and marvelling for all it's worth. In this category we present the whole range of events for children in the Harz Mountains. Our selection of children's events includes everything that makes children's hearts beat faster. All dates and information can be found in our overview. Have fun!


Some of the events listed here come from external data sources and are therefore only available in German.


März 2025

13.03.2025 Bad Lauterberg im Harz
Kunstwerkstatt "Gänseblümchen"
20.03.2025 Bad Lauterberg im Harz
Kunstwerkstatt " Gänseblümchen" Monster, Monster, Monster
23.03.2025 Ballenstedt
Pittiplatsch im Zauberwald
27.03.2025 Bad Lauterberg im Harz
Kunstwerkstatt "Gänseblümchen" Meine Seifen-Blase

April 2025

04.04.2025 Bad Harzburg
Puppenspiel "Der Piratenschatz"
05.04.2025 Wernigerode OT Drei Annen Hohne
Osterferien am Natur-Erlebniszentrum HohneHof
05.04.2025 Wernigerode
Saisoneröffnung Bürger- und Miniaturenpark Wernigerode
Veranstaltungen - Kinder
10.04.2025 Wernigerode
Figurentheater Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein
Karstwanderung Zwergenlöcher
12.04.2025 Walkenried
Wanderung entlang der Karstlandschaft zu den Zwergenlöchern
18.04.2025 Bad Sachsa
Paw Patrol - Figurentheater
19.04.2025 Harztor / Ilfeld
Ostereiersuchen im Ahornpark
19.04.2025 Goslar
Werkstatt Einfallsreich - Gemeinsam sind wir kreativ und genial
19.04.2025 Bad Sachsa
Buntes Osterprogramm 2025 - Dino-Nachmittag - Kurhaus Bad Sachsa
Ostern im Bärenpark Worbis
20.04.2025 Leinefelde-Worbis
Große Ostereiersuche im Bärenpark Worbis
26.04.2025 Bad Lauterberg im Harz
Frühlingsfest auf dem Kirchparkplatz
27.04.2025 Ballenstedt
Klein Ostern im Schlosspark
30.04.2025 Bad Lauterberg im Harz
Großes Walpurgis-Spektakel im Kurpark
30.04.2025 Bad Sachsa
Walpurgis 2025
Walpurgis in Bad Grund
30.04.2025 Bad Grund (Harz)
Walpurigis am Hübichenstein in Bad Grund

Juni 2025

Die Welt unter Tage als Inspiration für die Werkstatt EinfallsreichThe underground world as inspiration for the Einfallsreich workshop
01.06.2025 Goslar
Werkstatt Einfallsreich - Gemeinsam sind wir neugierig und klug
Kostenlose Führung für Familien im Bärenpark Worbis
01.06.2025 Leinefelde-Worbis
Kindertag | kostenlose Familienführung im Bärenpark Worbis

August 2025

Lichterfest Wieda 1
23.08.2025 Walkenried OT Wieda
Lichterfest in Wieda