
Harzspots holiday planner

Spots Name Type Place Date  

My holiday in the Harz Mountains

So you can plan your stay in the Harz Mountains from now on!

You don't have to log in or register anywhere with us.
If, while browsing harzspots.com, you like an entry from the Attractions, Accommodation, Gastronomy, Shopping, Culture or Explore categories or their respective subcategories, click on the "+" next to the Holiday Planner button.

At this moment, you collect your favourites in a kind of shopping basket.

You can click on the "Holiday planner" button at any time to see your entire selection.

Think about what you want to do, when you want to stay overnight and where you want to eat, and set the corresponding date for each entry in the holiday planner.
This way you can take into account rest days, opening hours etc.
This way you can plan your holiday in the Harz mountains piece by piece and chronologically. All saved entries can be easily moved in the order by drag & drop.
Since the Harz has so much to offer for every taste in such a small area, you will probably find that the originally planned duration is not enough 😉


If you cannot / do not want to complete the planning on one day, your overview will not be deleted when you close the browser or shut down the computer. As long as you use the same terminal device, your planning is available in the latest version and can be edited, changed and supplemented at any time.
Once you have completed your holiday planning, you can save everything in a PDF and receive your personal travel guide, which you can
a) print it out or
b) download to your mobile device.


When you open the file and click or touch the image tiles, the corresponding entry opens with all the information you need. This does not apply to the printout. 😎
Or you have planned your holiday on your mobile phone/tablet etc.


Tip: Only delete the entries in the holiday planner when you are back from the Harz. And then plan your next stay in the Harz straight away. 😁

Have fun and success with your planning!
